Mythbuster Monday: A Bible That’s Falling Apart Belongs to Someone Who Isn’t

Just because your Bible is falling apart doesn’t mean you won’t. One of the main problems with this myth is that it implies a rewards system for studying the Bible. It says, “If you study the Bible you will have it all together.” The act of underlining your Bible and writing sermon notes in your margins will not make you more righteous or your life any easier.

Scripture says we’re all born fallen apart (as sinners), short of the glory of God (Romans 5:25). The Word himself, Jesus Christ, who holds it all together (Colossians 1:17), rose victorious over the grave, defeating sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) on our behalf. What good news for us who believe! In Christ, we are held in His perfect righteousness — made right and held together in Him. Throughout our Christian life, Scripture tells us we will still wrestle with sin (Romans 7:15-20) and in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33). Though there are many benefits to studying the Bible (to name a few: faith, hope, freedom), we must forsake the lie that when we study we will be rewarded with easy lives. Until He returns, we live in a broken world where we can fall apart into the arms of a gracious God who never will. He is our refuge; the safest, sturdiest place to be in times of trouble (Psalm 46). He’ll never fail, never change, and never leave us when it feels like everything’s falling apart.

Sisters, we’re free from the burden of earning our righteousness with colorful Bibles, assured the Righteous One holds it all together when we fall apart.

Rachel Marissa: Hey, I'm Rachel! If I'm not working, I'm probably running, catching up with friends over an Americano, writing, or exploring the beauty of West Michigan with my husband. Following Jesus since I was 19-years-old has taken me on some beautiful, at times painful adventures - which is the heart of what I write about. I pray our testimonies on All the More encourage you in your own faith adventure!
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