I love this time of year. Winter’s leftovers are fading away and new life is popping up everywhere outside! This time of year energizes me and brings a renewed motivation to accomplish some of the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year. For me, I want 2018 to be a year of finding healing and wholeness in Christ. I desire to spend more quality time with God and have a more fruitful prayer life. But so far it’s felt like I’m doing the same thing day in and day out: devotionals, studying a book of the bible, and praying through the prayer requests in our small group. Honestly I was starting to get bored with it.
The Freedom of Forgiveness
How do you feel when someone says to you, “I forgive you?” Do you feel relieved? Freed up? Like you’re closer to this person than you were before? If that’s how it feels to receive forgiveness, then how might it feel to be the one extending it?
Are you listening?
Have you ever tried to sit in silence for even 2 minutes? Try it…don’t think about anything. Not what you want to accomplish today, what you’ll make for dinner, that conversation you had with your mom last night, work, or what you’ll wear today…see how long you last….
When you realize again that what you do is not who you are
By 9 A.M. all manner of positive thinking has gone out the window. I’ve got 3 patients arriving at the same time, orders weren’t put in correctly for a patient (again…) doctors are irritated for no apparent reason, I can’t get an IV started on a patient, and we’re short staffed and don’t have coverage for breakfast breaks. (“Hangry” is a real thing, people!) Yes, I do take care of people, meet them in a vulnerable place, and comfort them before heading into surgery. Yes, I’ve witnessed some of the coolest medical anomalies ever, including a 76 pound tumor get safely removed from a woman’s abdomen. But many days I come home wondering if any of it really mattered. If I really made a difference at all. I think, “God, are you here? Where are you in the midst of all this craziness, pressure, sickness and negativity? I need to […]
What do I have to be thankful for?
May the Lord continually open our eyes to really see the greater work He’s doing in, through, and around us. And may He deepen our knowledge and understanding of His character everyday, so we can enjoy the sweet abundance of an intimate relationship with Him.
Just Another Walk Around the Block
Have you ever just looked up one day and suddenly been awed by your surroundings? This is something I’ve dealt with for years, and to be honest, the cycle itself can be very discouraging. Learning to find my joy in the consistent character of Jesus, when all I want to do is crawl in my bed and hibernate until spring, is no walk in the park. But thanks to the grace of Christ, a lot of lessons in truth, and some amazing God-given relationships, I have seen a great deal of victory in this area over time.