
When I first became a Christian in 2010, I spent a lot of time pursuing Jesus. Not only did I spend my time in the Word trying to get to know this God who had radically changed my life, but I constantly prayed (in the car, while brushing my teeth, walking from point A to B, whenever I could). I didn’t just want to deeply know God, but I wanted Him to deeply know me. At the end of each day, I would sit down and reflect, journal, pray, and just be with my Rescuer. I lived my life, but my number one priority always belonged to Jesus. I was swept up in Him. He was everything to me.  As time went on, my time spent with God changed. After college, life quickly became complicated, chaotic, and busy. Days fluttered by, and before I knew it, my intentionality with God dwindled. […]

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Is Your Fear Greater Than Your Faith?

Are you ever just in awe of how God gets our attention? How He uses something such as a line in a movie, someone else’s experience, a post on social media, or encouragement from a friend at exactly the right moment to convict us, show us our sin, and bring us closer to Him. How even if we ignore the first nudge or the second, He never gives up. He is persistent to chase after us, His most precious creation.  Just the other day while mindlessly skimming through Instagram Stories, I stopped at a story that for once, challenged me. It was nothing eye catching; just an off-white background with some words that stuck with me. I don’t remember what it said word for word, and I really wish I did, but it was along the lines of, “the thing that you fear most is the thing that you are […]

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If God doesn’t grant you the desires of your heart, is He still enough?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Be careful what you pray for?” Until recently, it was something I always took for granted. You see, a few months ago, I was at a really amazing spot with God… in fact, I might even say I had never felt closer to Him. Life had settled down a bit, I had established a routine of spending quality time in the Word, I was immersed in community, and my prayer life was on fire. Of course, instead of resting in that season, I challenged it. I didn’t feel okay with being comfortable. I remember praying over and over again, “Lord, shake me. Reveal my brokenness. Point out my sin. Do whatever you have to do for me to see your goodness and faithfulness in the areas of my life I’ve built walls around. Make my heart more like yours even if that means wrecking […]

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Christians Get Depressed Too – Part Two

If you read, my previous blog from a fews years ago regarding depression, you will know that depression is something I have struggled with on and off for more than half my lifetime. One thing you should know about me in particular, is that I tend to “hide” my depression and emotional turmoil from myself and my community. I put on the mask of having it all together. I go to work as a psychotherapist and convince myself that what I’m going through is not nearly as bad as what my clients are enduring and experiencing. (Which, I want to point out, is a lie. Regardless if you’ve had a simple life or if you’ve had many hardships and trials, your depression is very real and valid.)  I tell myself that the coping skills, encouragement, and advice that I provide my clients somehow does not apply to myself. After spending […]

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Light in the Darkness

A few weeks ago, I had been struggling to really connect with God and feel at peace because my heart was broken. My heart was broken for those who don’t know Jesus, but even more so, my heart was broken for those people who knew Jesus, who had a personal relationship with him and now choose not to. My soul is heavy, my heart unsettled, and my mind confused.

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God is > my Emotions

If you asked me a few months ago how I was doing emotionally, I would have told you I was an emotional train wreck. I felt unseen, forgotten, and not needed by anyone, especially by God.  Although part of me knew these irrational thoughts and feelings were far from God’s truth – it was much easier to believe them than it was to fight past them, run to God, and seek out his life-giving word. Instead of running to the cross, I gaven power to these irrational thoughts that had quickly spread like wildfire; leaving me feeling defeated, abandoned, and utterly alone. In other words, my emotions were running my life.

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Is your branch connected to the vine?

First and foremost, I want to say a Happy New Year from all of the writers here at All The More! We are so thankful for each and every one of you! As I ring in 2017, sitting at home watching the ball drop, I can’t help but to process and pick apart all that 2016 was for me. And if I’m being honest, it wasn’t really all that great. It wasn’t horrible, (I’m sure others had a much more trying year than I had), but it wasn’t exactly great either. I was unemployed for majority of the summer. I lost my last grandparent and a very close family friend. The stress of an ongoing complicated living situation was emotionally draining. Add in all of the commitments I agreed to; from leading a small group, serving on the board of an academic honor society, and being involved in a young […]

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Is Life Really Greener on the Other Side?

It is officially pumpkin spice latte season. If you live in the Midwest region of the United States like I do, fall is the time of year when the leaves start to change, the weather is cooler, the air is crisp, and the apple orchards are packed with people longing for warm delicious cinnamon sugar donuts.

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Do You Treasure Money More Than God?

Imagine that you are walking through the mall to buy a birthday present for the celebration you have to go to later that night for one of your closest friends. On your way to Forever21, you stop in at an accessory store just to take a peek. The saleswoman asks if she can help you with anything, but you insist that you are browsing and not looking to purchase anything. 15 minutes later, and somehow you ended up at the cash register.

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