In every season of life, I’ve wanted God to give me clear direction and a clear answer. What should I major in? Should I marry this guy? What should I do with my life? Do I let my baby cry-it-out or would that permanently damage her for the rest of her life? What kind of schooling should I have my kids in? Life is full of tough decisions that the Bible just doesn’t always directly answer. As much as I sometimes wish He would, God doesn’t operate like a magic 8 ball. While God doesn’t always give us the direct answer we want to all of life’s questions, He does give us the wisdom to navigate through life. But how do we get it? If you’re familiar with the Bible, you might know that Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of God – trusting His voice instead of your own […]
Will God Finish What He Started?
I have a bad habit of not finishing things that I start. I’m the girl who has a cool craft idea, buys everything I need for it at the store, and then does nothing with it. There’s a shelf I still haven’t put up even though I bought it years ago to put up in my living room so we can actually (finally) have decorations in my house. For goodness sake, sometimes I open a cabinet and never close it, leaving my kitchen in disarray (yes, I’m ashamed to admit I am that person). And if you knew how many writing ideas I’ve started and never finished… My annoying habit and lack of discipline remind me that I have a God who does finish what He starts: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day […]
When sin and death seem victorious
After my daughters saw The Beauty and the Beast for the first time, they watched it on repeat over and over again, as is typical of a four- and two-year-old. Every time they watched it, they were absolutely terrified of the Beast. I reminded them that they knew the end of the story so they didn’t have to be scared, not realizing until the words were out of my mouth that I was sharing with them a spiritual truth. As believers in Christ, even when it looks like evil is winning, we don’t have to fear. We know the end of the story. This Easter, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we will likely read verses like 1 Corinthians 15:54b-55: “‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’ ‘O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?’” We will sing songs about sin and death being defeated, declaring […]
Is your heart out of alignment?
When it comes to our walk with God, I like to think of us as cars. I wish we were like the smart self-driving cars, but that’s just giving us a little too much credit. No, we are more like the cars that are just a little out of alignment (and sometimes really out of alignment). We fix our eyes on Jesus and are on track chasing after him, but then slowly our hearts veer off and the next thing we know we’re driving over those annoyingly loud bumps on the side of the road. We focus back on Jesus, but slowly we find ourselves veering off to the bumps again, maybe this time just a little further, and the next thing we know we’re in a ditch. We are prone to distraction. Our eyes get focused on lesser (though often still good) things, and our hearts start chasing idols. […]
I will speak I will proclaim
In just a year, my one-year old has changed and grown drastically. I’ve never seen her body stretch out or her face change before my eyes in that time, but they have. When I look back at pictures of her as a newborn, the difference 12 months makes is drastic both physically and developmentally, yet I didn’t really notice it in the moment.
Mythbuster Monday: That’s Just the Way I Am
ESFP. Enneagram Type 7. SI. These may look like random letters and numbers to you, but in the world of personality tests, they mean something. Each personality – each person – has the potential for inspiringly beautiful strengths and devastating weaknesses. But in a world that values self-actualization and embracing the true you, we must be sure not to grow apathetic or defensive towards our sin, justifying it because “that’s just the way I am.” Though God made us uniquely each with our own personalities, we must realize that our sin is not our identity and our power to overcome it is not our own.
Can I really be used by God?
How do you think God wants to use you?
Dating Stole “Guard Your Heart,” But We’re Stealing It Back
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. -Proverbs 4:23
Remember to Remember
November is my favorite month because for me it is the beginning of a two-month celebration! It begins with celebrating cooler weather and pumpkin-everything, then my birthday, Thanksgiving, the time it becomes truly acceptable to listen to Christmas music, Christmas (which is not just a day, but a season), and New Year’s. I just love holidays! And I probably overwhelm everyone I know with my crazy love for them.
The Perfect Mother
If you’re a mom, you know that pregnancy brain and mommy brain are real. If you’re not a mom, please know to give your mommy friends some extra grace if they forget things. I now have three little girls, the youngest of which was born in July. The mommy brain haze is very much my current reality. I forget people’s names that I know I know, I’m not always very coherent in my thoughts, and Bible verses I once had committed to memory I now butcher. I find myself forgetting all sorts of things that I had once known.