This guy was worshipping Jesus more fearfully and fearlessly than anyone I had ever seen in my entire life. He was praising Jesus like no one else was in the room. Or, better yet, like Jesus was actually in the room. Like a complete madman. No joke, it was as if he was just set free from prison and ran straight to the service. He was clapping, dancing, shouting, hands lifted and at times crying with his face to the ground. I turned to my husband and he nodded in agreement, “This guy gets it.” But church, do we? Do I? I looked around the room, to the 1,000 men and women, and saw perhaps a different type of fear than this worshipping man. I saw a fear of man. A fear that was more concerned with how we looked to our neighbors than to God. A fear more consumed […]
Why is God So Patient With Us?
One minute we’re thankful, the next minute we’re complaining. One minute we’re kind to others, the next minute we hurry past someone in need. One minute we surrender all to God, the next minute we’re seeking control of our lives. My salvation is an absolute testimony of this. I spent the first 19-years of my life seeking pleasure in anything and everything but God. You read that right. Nineteen years. I can testify that God was insanely patient with me, enduring my recklessness for redemption. Why is God so patient with us? For those of us in Christ, God doesn’t show us patience based on our behavior – patience is who He is. He said so Himself: “I am the Lord God. I am merciful and very patient with my people,” (Exodus 34:6). By offering us His patience, He offers us Himself. We don’t “deserve” patience and we sure can’t […]
Simplifying God’s Will For Your Life
Was there a parting of the skies? Goosebumps when they prayed? A booming voice from heaven? How are some Christians so confident about God’s will for their lives? MY EARLY YEARS OF DISCERNING GOD’S CALL I’m the first to admit in my early years as a Christian (2011-2014) I was hyper-spiritual about “callings.” Every other week I’d share God was “calling me” to do something. “I feel like God is calling me to go to Chicago this summer!” or, “I feel called to start a new job next year!” No one ever questioned how I knew. They just supported me if what I “felt called to” had spiritual reasoning. I had no idea how to listen to God as I was basically biblically illiterate. I observed other people’s faith I admired and noticed their confidence in God’s will for them. I wondered how they became so sure. Even in my […]
Why aren’t we talking about the Resurrection?
I think it’s interesting how often I hear people (myself included) praying, “Thank You, Jesus, for dying for my sin. Thank You for your sacrifice,” and how little I hear, “Jesus, thank You for raising to life! You are alive!”
Have you forgotten you’ve been fully forgiven?
Whenever I used to hear sermons preached for those struggling to believe they’ve been fully forgiven, I zoned out. I’d think, “That used to be me, but not anymore!”
Being Human Isn’t The Problem
I’ve been thinking a lot about Jesus’ incarnation lately, asking this question over and over: If Jesus was the perfect human – fully obedient to the Father – then isn’t our problem sin and not humanity?
Rest Is a Heart Issue
Are you answering “how are you?” with “exhausted,” too? This week I was carrying bananas throughout the grocery store and with all seriousness, I called them potatoes.
Why I Needed to Stop Having “Quiet Time”
In 2011, I became a Christian. One of the first things I was encouraged to do was spend “quiet time” with God every morning. The reasons for quiet time included: to know God, know His word, practice prayer and studying the Bible, journal and process, renew my mind, mature in the faith, confess and repent, fellowship with Holy Spirit. Doing these things would help me be so filled with God I’d overflow with His love towards others. Like I said, all good reasons!
Mythbuster Monday: A Bible That’s Falling Apart Belongs to Someone Who Isn’t
Just because your Bible is falling apart doesn’t mean you won’t. One of the main problems with this myth is that it implies a rewards system for studying the Bible. It says, “If you study the Bible you will have it all together.” The act of underlining your Bible and writing sermon notes in your margins will not make you more righteous or your life any easier.
We Get to Pray
I’m having this experience on repeat; where I feel completely helpless for the people I love. There’s nothing I can say or do to take away the many painful experiences in their lives. I can’t guarantee what God will do specifically in regards to their redemption stories moving forward.