Look at Jesus on the cross. Who do you need to forgive?


During this Lenten season, I’ve been thinking a lot about my disposition towards forgiving others, a virtue we all should at least be thinking about today, on Good Friday. Join me on a journey through Psalm 88, and then through the lens of a woman’s testimony from the Rwandan genocide only two decades ago. Let’s start in Psalm 88: LORD, you are the God who saves me; day and night I cry out to you. May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry. I am overwhelmed with troubles and my life draws near to death. I am counted among those who go down to the pit; I am like one without strength. I am set apart with the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom you remember no more, who are cut off from your care. You have put me in the lowest […]

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Will God Finish What He Started?

I have a bad habit of not finishing things that I start. I’m the girl who has a cool craft idea, buys everything I need for it at the store, and then does nothing with it. There’s a shelf I still haven’t put up even though I bought it years ago to put up in my living room so we can actually (finally) have decorations in my house. For goodness sake, sometimes I open a cabinet and never close it, leaving my kitchen in disarray (yes, I’m ashamed to admit I am that person). And if you knew how many writing ideas I’ve started and never finished… My annoying habit and lack of discipline remind me that I have a God who does finish what He starts: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day […]

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The Impossible Life

One of the privileges I have in my job is to come alongside college freshman women who are interested in exploring spirituality/their beliefs and those who are desiring to take their next steps with God. A couple weeks ago one girl asked the group, “Does it seem hard to anyone else to live out all of the things that God asks of us?”

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Fast Food Grace

American’s consume a lot of fast food. In fact, 20% of all American meals are eaten in the car. Why? Because we are busy! Recently, my pastor told us: “culturally if we don’t have somewhere to be, we don’t know how to function. The reality is that we cannot function without the chaos in our lives”. How does this impact our relationship with Jesus? Personally, I find myself giving myself “fast food grace”: it’s the little moments here and there where I seek Christ. While God loves all these little moments, it’s not as spiritually nourishing to our bodies, much like fast food is considerably less nourishing to our physical ones.

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Grasping for Grace

You know those days where you just cannot do anything right? You upset people you love and care about, you mess up on a task at work, you didn’t go to the gym like you had originally planned and instead went straight home for the 8th day in a row? I’ve had those days for what feels like weeks. I end up discouraged, upset, and frustrated with myself. I come home and talk about how I wish my day had a different result and my husband quietly says, “I wish you would give yourself a lot more grace. You shouldn’t talk about yourself that way.”

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Drawing Lessons on Failure

When I was in art school I had a drawing and printmaking professor named Dave. Dave is a brilliant man. He’s lived and stuff, so he knows things. You know? Freshman year, 8am MWF. My best friend Casey and I would drag our sleepy selves to the 4th floor of the Art and Journalism building and into his class… Drawing 1. We’d sit on the high stools at the drawing tables that formed a circle around the pedestal in the center of the room, and sit and wait for Dave to start talking.

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