No one’s ever said it to me like that before; that it’s a good thing I can’t be like God in every way. But how could I be called to be Christlike (1 Corinthians 1:11) in every way, and yet in some ways never be like Him?
The Most Unlikely Missionary of All-Time
Who do you think is the most unlikely missionary of all-time? Maybe you’d say Paul (See Acts 9), a persecutor of the early church turned apostle for Christ. Or, maybe you think of more modern day missionaries like Jim Elliot, William Carey, and CT Studd.
When Home Isn’t Home Anymore
You may know that feeling when you’ve been traveling on a long journey and you open the door to your home and…ahhhhh….there’s that feeling of relief, rest, and contentment. You suddenly remember that there really is no place like home. There’s also a coming-of-age phenomenon many people discover after they go off to college or move out on their own and then they’re back at their childhood “home” in their “hometown,” and yet can’t wait to go back to their new city or home. Home isn’t home anymore.
Insecurities: Don’t be fooled, we all have them
What defines confidence for everyone is so different. Is confidence being able to speak out about what you believe in? Or being able to keep quiet to really show that you’re not swayed by other people’s words. Is confidence the same thing as courage? What distinguishes those?
When you realize again that what you do is not who you are
By 9 A.M. all manner of positive thinking has gone out the window. I’ve got 3 patients arriving at the same time, orders weren’t put in correctly for a patient (again…) doctors are irritated for no apparent reason, I can’t get an IV started on a patient, and we’re short staffed and don’t have coverage for breakfast breaks. (“Hangry” is a real thing, people!) Yes, I do take care of people, meet them in a vulnerable place, and comfort them before heading into surgery. Yes, I’ve witnessed some of the coolest medical anomalies ever, including a 76 pound tumor get safely removed from a woman’s abdomen. But many days I come home wondering if any of it really mattered. If I really made a difference at all. I think, “God, are you here? Where are you in the midst of all this craziness, pressure, sickness and negativity? I need to […]
He is Well Pleased
When I started college, God met me where I was at and I was pierced by the Gospel. My life has been changed ever since. The more I walk with Jesus, the more I see my constant need for Him and His power in my life. I’m humbled as I still struggle with relying on my own strength. I know that I can’t earn His love or approval, but when I take a step back, I often find myself living that way. Yet God is changing my heart and reminding me where my identity lies. In Him and His Gospel. Not in my works.
The “S” Word
When did submission become a dirty word? Sometimes I feel like I’m cursing when I use it! I tell you, for years the word made me cringe. I bristled at the thought that I was commanded –yes, commanded!– to submit to my husband. What? I’m a strong, independent woman! No man gonna tell me what to do!
i·den·ti·ty ˌīˈden(t)ədē/
i·den·ti·tyˌīˈden(t)ədē/ noun 1. THE WORLD’S DEFINITION: The sum total of your actions, thoughts, behaviors, appearance. 2. GOD’S DEFINITION: The sum total of Christ’s actions, thoughts, behaviors, and appearance. We live in a world that is crying out in an identity crisis. Every day we hear new terminology to define ourselves.
Every Breath We Take
What if I told you that substance you’re breathing is not…. air? Oxygen? No.
Identity Theft
What does it mean to be a woman? Depending on who you ask, this question can have a multitude of answers. Ask a Christian? They’ll probably direct you to Proverbs 31. And, yeah ok, they’re not wrong. But they’re not exactly 100% right either. I can tell you why with two simple questions. Single ladies, how does that answer make you feel? What about you, childless wives?