American’s consume a lot of fast food. In fact, 20% of all American meals are eaten in the car. Why? Because we are busy! Recently, my pastor told us: “culturally if we don’t have somewhere to be, we don’t know how to function. The reality is that we cannot function without the chaos in our lives”. How does this impact our relationship with Jesus? Personally, I find myself giving myself “fast food grace”: it’s the little moments here and there where I seek Christ. While God loves all these little moments, it’s not as spiritually nourishing to our bodies, much like fast food is considerably less nourishing to our physical ones.
The Perfect Mother
If you’re a mom, you know that pregnancy brain and mommy brain are real. If you’re not a mom, please know to give your mommy friends some extra grace if they forget things. I now have three little girls, the youngest of which was born in July. The mommy brain haze is very much my current reality. I forget people’s names that I know I know, I’m not always very coherent in my thoughts, and Bible verses I once had committed to memory I now butcher. I find myself forgetting all sorts of things that I had once known.
The Power of Your Prayers (Part 2)
PART 2 from Friday’s post, The Power of Your Prayers (Part 1) “Same list as always for [name] — please do a miracle in her life!” This prayer was written in my prayer journal earlier this year…
The Power of Your Prayers (Part 1)
“You have no idea the power of your prayers.” – Toriano “Tory” Mayo
Are you listening?
Have you ever tried to sit in silence for even 2 minutes? Try it…don’t think about anything. Not what you want to accomplish today, what you’ll make for dinner, that conversation you had with your mom last night, work, or what you’ll wear today…see how long you last….
God is Always Good
“God is good.” This is a phrase we say and hear regularly, and it’s true, but usually only used when things are going well in a person’s life. However, when we say, “God is being so good to me right now” “God has been good to me” “In this season of my life, God is good” …there’s an emphasis on the situation that God is good at certain times, not always.
Stillness Is Not About Zen
I read an article recently that told me I should always feel encouraged by Scripture. That sounds like a great plan, except for the fact that the Word of God is not a book of feel-good stories. In the Old Testament, we see a history of people – real, human people – clumsily, messily working their way through life until the coming of their promised Savior. They took one step forward and two steps back, if they were lucky enough to take a step forward at all. By the time I make it to the New Testament, I’m desperate for Jesus to come fix this mess! My heart gets heavy with each parallel I see between sin in the cultures of the Bible and sin in our world today. “Have we learned nothing?” is my most common thought. Often I walk away from Scripture feeling the weight of human depravity; […]
Putting on our New Selves
Ephesians 4:22, 24 (NIV) says, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires… and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
Could God be calling you into a radical change?
The overflowing well of His living Word and friendship with us has become abundantly clear to me: When we decide to spend time with Him like we would with a friend, we are infinitely more renewed than when we hang out with our friends.
Anyone Can Complain, Christians Can Lament
Did you know there is a faithless way to complain, and a faithful way to complain?