
Bailey Lenzen

I currently serve as a professional coach and workshop facilitator who works with individuals and teams to develop deeper self-awareness, build their career story, and foster team trust.

On any given day you will find me raving about one word that makes all the difference in a verse of scripture, talking to someone about their Myers Briggs, or playing trivia with good friends. I also enjoy reading, cooking, hiking, and telling stories. I grew up in a small town near Fort Worth, Texas and currently live in Bryan, Texas with my husband, Matt, and son, Owen.

I write and toil for All the More to share our collective fervent desire to grow in our relationship with our perfect Creator.

Bella Nowland

Hi there, my name is Bella Nowland. I am a recent graduate from Texas A&M University who just packed my bags for the 14th time moving to Houston, Texas, where I now live and work. During the week you can find me in the office, learning something new each day. At home, you will find me outside or in the kitchen trying to make a new healthy treat while pondering what holiness looks like in our world today.

I am a lover of routine, early mornings, some good cold brew and running. Growing up in a military family, I’ve had the opportunity to live throughout the United States and Europe, helping shape my belief that there is goodness in every place, season, and community.  I am continually in awe of God’s creativity and purposefulness when I meet another person.  I believe writing is a powerful avenue to capture truth, beauty and goodness woven within the creases on our faces, scars on our knees, and souls that were made for more than this side of Heaven can offer.  Most importantly,  I believe our journey to Heaven cannot be walked alone, bringing me here, bringing me to you. So let us run to Heaven together! Let us be great Saints!

Claire Raabe

My name is Claire Raabe, and I currently abide in home sweet College Station, TX. I spend most days working with business students at Texas A&M, playing trivia with my coworkers, and dreaming about the next adventure Jesus will send me on. I love Aggie football, national parks, Louisa May Alcott, and sunsets as best seen from my hometown of Poth, TX (pop. 1,800). I think words and stories are a powerful way to create beauty, and I hope writing for All the More will be an outlet to do just that. Being known by Christ is what gives me joy and hope each morning, and my greatest desire is to see other people experience abundant life with Him!

Jenny McCarty

Hi, my name is Jenny. My journey with Christ has taken me down many paths, and no matter what these paths have brought, the following verse has brought me so much encouragement:
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
I hope that you are encouraged by the blogs on All the More and that no matter the path that you are on, know that Jesus is on it with you.

Kasie Hayes

Hey Hey! I’m Kasie. I’ve been told I have a gift of authenticity and vulnerability that inspires others to open up similarly. I literally do all the things. I would liken myself to a squirrel…Yep, a creative squirrel. From writing to music, photography, art, graphics, and more, you can always find me longing to be in a corner somewhere deep in a creative bubble. I’m commonly misdiagnosed as an “extrovert,” but I’m really an undercover introvert who knows how to survive in an extroverted world. I’m from what we call the dirty South – Sweet Home Alabama. I went to Auburn University for two degrees that I’m not even using. WAR EAGLE! I’m a Mommy to two sweet little nuggets who were both surprise babies and are 17 months apart. I’ve been married to the love of my life for four years and counting! It is my hope that I can add value to the All The More community as I share my journey with Christ – the good, the bad and the beautiful.

Kathryn Pesyna

I am a born and raised Midwesterner from Indiana, but I found a new home in California by way of Austin, Texas. I married my high school sweetheart who helps me raise our three kiddos. I am a self-diagnosed anglophile with a degree in English Language & Literature from Purdue University. I am an Enneagram One who struggles with perfection in the eyes of God but loves to rest in His goodness and justice. I love all things Harry Potter, crosswords, Tex-Mex, bullet journals, and Beethoven.

Katy Roberts

Hi y’all, I’m Katy Roberts – lifelong Texan, self-proclaimed ice cream connoisseur, and textbook Enneagram 3. After five glorious years at Texas A&M University, God called me to Washington, D.C. for graduate school. Living and learning in our nation’s capital has been surreal, and my forward-thinking heart can’t wait to see where the Lord leads me next. My greatest loves include summertime on the river, literally any kind of coffee, going all out at OrangeTheory, and driving at night with the windows down.

I love words and the weight they hold. Putting pen to paper is often how God reveals Himself to me. While testimony-reading is certainly not a replacement for seeking a personal relationship with Jesus, I believe experiential stories bring tangibility and clarity to our understanding of how God moves in the here and now. Reflecting on our experiences with Him helps us seek and know the active, sovereign, merciful heart of God as best as we can this side of Heaven.

I pray that my words would draw you in, that the stories I tell would spur you on to a greater understanding of, heartfelt love for, and deeper intimacy with the person of Jesus Christ. I’m so happy you’re here!

Natalie Mayo

Hey, I’m Natalie! I’m originally from Houston, Texas but I moved to Austin in 2006 to attend The University of Texas (Hook ‘em)! In 2012, my husband, Tory, and I planted a church in central east Austin called The Well and it’s been one of the coolest experiences of my life with some of my favorite people watching our amazing God do incredible things. I have my dream job staying home with our four beautiful little girls – Michaiah, Kyria, Jada, and Eliyah. I love Jesus, am passionate about truth and discipleship, and my love language is chips and guacamole.

Rachel Guerrero

Hey y’all, I’m Rachel! After growing up in Houston, I moved to San Marcos in 2008 to attend Texas State University and study Education. While there, I came to know and follow Christ after a girl in my math class shared the gospel with me for the first time!
After college, I moved to Austin and married my husband, Josh. On our first date, he told me he wanted to plant a church and my response was “That sounds fun!” Fast forward seven years, to today, and we are planting Refuge Community Church in Southeast Austin. Additionally, after six years of teaching elementary school, I’ve decided to stay home and disciple my own littles, Lia (2) and Jude (6 mo). An enjoyable day for me would include my family and closest friends, coffee, a picnic near water, a scenic hike, laughter, reading and napping! My desire is to seek Jesus, finding and helping others find the confidence and joy that knowing Christ brings.

Rachel Marissa

Hey, I’m Rachel! If I’m not working, I’m probably running, catching up with friends over an Americano, writing, or exploring the beauty of West Michigan with my husband. Following Jesus since I was 19-years-old has taken me on some beautiful, at times painful adventures – which is the heart of what I write about. I pray our testimonies on All the More encourage you in your own faith adventure!

Sarah Steinmann

I’m Sarah Steinmann, a young professional spending her days in Dallas, Texas. During business hours, you can find me working for Southwest Airlines in the People Department. After hours, you’d most likely catch me reading a book, inviting friends to a picnic, or dreaming about creating a kinder and more just world. It’s true: I think kindness changes the world. I am captivated by the idea of a God who loves recklessly, and I am constantly wrestling with the beauty of unmerited grace. I’ve committed my life to following Jesus, and I’d love to tell you why someday. In a paper, I once wrote that I want my life to be a banner waving, “There’s hope! You belong! Come find rest in Jesus!” I hope my writing here does a little bit of that in this space of the internet.

TaKasha Smith

Hey!  My name is TaKasha.  After graduating from college, 10 years of ministry in the Midwest, and more wretched winters than my heart could stand, I’ve landed in Austin, Texas as a Master’s student in Global Policy and International Law.  I am passionate about healing, advocacy, and justice for those who are forgotten in this world.  I am a writer, a teacher, a friend, and an undeserving daughter of the King.